Happy September Ya’ll.
Did you watch the solar eclipse on TV? I watched it via the NASA website. Or were you one of the ones that had eclipse watching glasses? Or maybe, you have a few science geeks in your family and made your own eclipse watching pin hole boxes. Whatever you did, I am sure you missed the best video of all.
You have to check this one out.
Wasn’t that the best? LOL……

Gus giving a “shake”
I have scheduled the September Beginning Manners class, starting September 10, and it is open for registration. Go to the classes tab and you will be routed to the class page.
Fun-gility is also starting again September 3rd and I am teaching it inside at What A Great Dog Richardson. If you’d like to register for this on going class, please let me know and I will get you signed up.
I will be adding a Continuing Manners class in October as well as some one hour workshops. So make sure to watch the website for the dates.

Charlie saying his prayers
Are you interested in getting your dog their Canine Good Citizen title? Or maybe a tricks class? Let me know. If I have enough interest, I will offer a class this fall.
Have a fabulous September and Happy Training!
Hi Robin!
I’d definitely be interested in a CGC certification for both pups. I hope your able to get enough interest for one!
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Sami and I would love a Tricks class!