by devadmin | May 8, 2012 | In the News, Uncategorized
I don’t know about you, but I am very particular about many things when it comes to my animals. One of those things is the veterinarian I see and the clinic they work in. It took me a year of checking out clinics, interviewing their staff and meeting...
by devadmin | May 6, 2012 | In the News, Uncategorized
Texas!! As they say, wait 5 minutes and the weather will change. Change it has and it seems our cool days are waning and the days are getting longer. Your dog will love getting out to play and learn while the weather is nice. Which means it is time to start those new...
by devadmin | May 6, 2012 | dog training, In the News, Uncategorized
Wow, this new series is created with just the kids and dogs in mind. We want our children to have a special bond with our furry family members. What better way to do that, then to have them take responsibility for teaching the furry one manners and a few tricks. And...
by devadmin | Apr 22, 2012 | dog training, Uncategorized
Yea, you have made the decision to add a new furry member to your household. And you know you want to go to a few training classes so you and your new furry companion can communicate to each other. And you also know you want to work with someone who trains in a...
by devadmin | Apr 15, 2012 | In the News, Uncategorized
Wow, our story aired on Good Morning America yesterday morning. Can you believe it, a zombie fighting dog and positive reinforcement training on national television! Whoo Hoo....