by devadmin | Sep 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
As I sit here working on my class plans, I am always reminded of the “collar” issue. I state in all of my posts and literature, I do not allow choke chains, prong collars, or shock collars in my class. Preferably, I wish they would be taken off of the...
by devadmin | Aug 20, 2012 | dog training, Uncategorized
Do you ever wonder if anything you do will make a difference? And what exactly does that mean? “To make a difference?” Sometimes it means holding the door open for someone who is walking behind you, or helping an older person in the grocery store when they...
by devadmin | Aug 10, 2012 | In the News, Uncategorized
New classes are just around the corner. Can you believe we are almost into September? Look at these pup & their humans having fun from previous classes. Come & join us. Email [email protected] for a registration form Happy dogs and their humans video...
by devadmin | Aug 5, 2012 | dog training, Uncategorized
Yea, new classes are just around the corner. I have updated the class schedule under the class information heading. They are all open for registration. Please email me for a registration form. I do not load these on the webpage so you need to request one....
by devadmin | Aug 5, 2012 | dog training, In the News, Uncategorized
Today I ran across this poster that says it all in a very succinct and direct fashion, I don’t think I could have said this any better. Remember that we all have personal space, human and furry ones. As I have taught you in my classes, always listen to what the...