Can we chat? So many things going on in the world today. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Since we have had so much talk about the corona virus, I thought I would share an update. Research states at this time dogs can not get or give the COVID-19 virus. They are not carriers nor can they catch the disease from a human. Here is the latest update from the American Veterinary Medical Association. Please read responsible publications and educate yourself. This will help you alleviate any panic.
Like everyone else, Good Dog Fetch has put a hold on classes for the next two weeks. While it is frustrating for all of us, we felt it would be the prudent thing to do to make sure all humans stay healthy.
Looking forward. Hopefully this too shall pass. And we have lots of fun stuff on the horizon for you.
Save the date for our Annual Easter Egg Eggs-travaganza. You definitely want to put this on your calendar for you and your pup. April 18. 2020 at 10:00 am. Watch the video from last years fun.
If you are like me, it is hard to find time in a day to train with my dogs. I am not sure why it is so hard, but I find it is easier for me if I plan to go to a class just so I really do it. For that reason, we are going to be starting a new drop in type class. Tune-up training will be 8 weeks of drop in classes for one fee. You can come to all 8 sessions or pick the weeks you want to come. Your one time fee will cover it all. We will be working in different locations every week so you and your pup can get lots of experience without patterning in a single location to hone your basic skills. No jump greetings, loose leash walking, leave it and much more. We will be adding in some fun games too.
Be sure to check the website often for more One Day Workshops and fun things to do coming up .
Therapy dogs Remi and Simon ask that you practice good hand washing techniques, abide by the social distancing requests and don’t go anywhere not necessary. We don’t want to hear about any of our friends getting sick.
Happy Training!
Robin, thank you for the common sense chat and cute photos, it was a nice distraction.